Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #19: My Ten Favorite Classic Children's Books

Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Their blog can be found here.

July 1st: Top Ten Favorite Classic Books (however you define classic) or Top Ten Classics I Want To Read

My Ten Favorite Classic Children's Books

For this Topic, I will define Classic Children's Books as books that have been around for several years. More importantly books that I grew up with and loved very much and (I believe) are still read today.

These are books that I remember reading and either own or checked out from the library numerous times. 

1. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault

2. Pretty Much Any Dr. Seuss Book
Covers borrowed from GoodReads

3. Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson

4. Curious George by H.A. Rey

5.  Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
6. Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish

7. Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

8.  Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan

9. Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

10. The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Do you have any favorite books from when you were a child? Would you consider them to fit your idea of "classic" books? 
What are some children's books that you think fall under the classic label?


  1. I don't know why I didn't think of Where The Sidewalk Ends for my list. It was probably my favorite book as a kid. Nice choices!

    Our TTT!

    1. It is a great one! I remember checking it out so many times from the library. I don't know why I don't own a copy of it yet. I think I am going to have to fix that. Thank you!

  2. I never read Dr Seuss because I don't think we even have translations, but I plan to read them now as an adult, I don't wanna be missing out :D
    Good picks!

    1. Thank you!
      I hope you enjoy Dr. Seuss. I still enjoy reading them with my daughters. Even though I have read them probably more times then I can count. The books can be entertaining!
      Happy Reading!

  3. I haven't read any of the classic children books from your list. My favorite classics I have read as a child were: The Swiss Family Robinson, In Desert and Wilderness, Pippi Longstocking, The Jungle Book, Heidi, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, ...

    1. Those are some good classics! I don't think I have read any of them yet, but I do hope to read them soon.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog and leave a comment! I read every single one and they make my day! <3