Thursday, October 1, 2015

September 2015 Highlights

  1. Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) by Sarah J. Maas
  2. Hello, Goodbye, and Everything In Between by Jennifer E. Smith
  3. Lock & Mori (Lock & Mori #1) by Heather W. Petty
  4. Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer (Reread)
  5. Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas
  6. Hunter (Hunter #1) by Mercedes Lackey

2015 GoodReads Challenge:

81/125 Books Read. YIKES 12 Books Behind! 

2015 #365DaysofYA Challenge:
Hosted by Kate from Literary Kate  and Sarah from What Sarah Read 

Read This Month:
  1. Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) by Sarah J. Maas
  2. Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer (Reread)
  3. Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas
Which brings me to 31 total books read from the list so far.

2015  Debut Author Challenge:

19/12 Books COMPLETED!

Read This Month:
  1. Lock & Mori (Lock & Mori #1) by Heather W. Petty
2015 TBR Pile Reading Challenge:

Hosted by Bookish
15/25 Books

Read This Month:

None this month.

2015 Fairytale Challenge:

The Daily Prophecy

Hosted by The Daily Prophecy
8/15 Books

Read This Month:

  1. Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer
  2. Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas

2015 NetGalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge:

Falling For YA

Hosted by Falling For YA

34/25 Books COMPLETED!

Read This Month:
  1. Lock & Mori (Lock & Mori #1) by Heather W. Petty
  2. Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas
  3. Hunter (Hunter #1) by Mercedes Lackey
2015 Flights of Fantasy:


Read This Month:
  1. Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) by Sarah J. Maas
  2. Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas
  3. Hunter (Hunter #1) by Mercedes Lackey
2015 Reread Challenge:

The 2015 Re-Read Challenge


Read This Month:
  1. Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer

2015 Prequel & Sequel Challenge:

Read This Month:
  1. Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) by Sarah J. Maas
  2. Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer
2015 Real Book Challenge:
Real Book Challenge on Swoony Boys Podcast and Fiction Fare


Read This Month:
  1. Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) by Sarah J. Maas
  2. Hello, Goodbye, and Everything In Between by Jennifer E. Smith
  3. Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer

Reviews Posted This Month:

I have been super busy so I am pretty behind on reading, reviews, commenting and email. But I am really hoping to catch up some in October. I have been feeling overwhelmed by everything that I have going on right now. But hopefully things will be calming down soon and I will have time to catch up. Plus I am finally feeling better. So hopefully I won't catch another cold for at least a month. That would be really nice.

Fun things from this month:

  • I got to see one of my BEST FRIENDS! He lives in New York, so I usually get to see him once a year. But it was so WONDERFUL getting to spend some time with him. I miss getting to see him more often. (He really is awesome!)
  • I watched 2 episodes of Dr. Who from the 5th (newer) season. I like it. I think I will have to keep watching. 
  • Had School Open House and a Parent-Teacher Conference with Cutie Pie's Teacher. Both went really well. She is doing great in 3rd grade. And I am really happy that she is doing so well in reading, her top AR range for right now is a 5.5. 
  • We had a GAME NIGHT. Well...we didn't really get to play much of anything. So it was more of a AWESOME FRIENDS COME OVER AND TALK night. But it was so great to get to see our friends and catch up. Life is so busy and it is hard to get all of our schedules together. But we are planning a game night for October. (Halloween Themed!) I am excited!

How was your month? What was your favorite book read? I am way behind on my challenges, how are you doing with yours? 


  1. Good month! I love Sarah J. Maas & Marissa Meyer! :-)
    Happy October!


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog and leave a comment! I read every single one and they make my day! <3