Sunday, April 23, 2017

Good Night Owl by Greg Pizzoli

My Bookish Itinerary: Cutie Pie's Shelf Children's Book Review

Title: Good Night Owl

Author: Greg Pizzoli
Length: 48 pages
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Classification: Children's Book
Release Date: April 19, 2016
Source: Library Book
Owl is ready for bed. But as soon as he settles in, he hears a strange noise. He'll never get to sleep unless he can figure out what's going on! He looks everywhere-in his cupboard, underneath the floorboards-even in his walls. But while he's busy tearing his house apart, he doesn't notice one tiny, squeaky, mouse-shaped detail. . . . Will Owl ever get a good night's sleep?

Cutie Pie is 10 years old & Cutie Pie #2 is 6 years old

First Thoughts:

Cutie Pie: It is a bit weird to me. 

Cutie Pie #2: It is funny!

What is this book about?

Cutie Pie #1: It is about Owl trying to find the noise.

Cutie Pie #2: Trying to find the noise.

What was your favorite part of the story?

Cutie Pie: When he found the noise.

Cutie Pie #2: I don't have one.

Why did you like it/why don't you have one??

Cutie Pie: Because then he would stop tearing things down.

Cutie Pie #2: I don't have one because all of it was just too funny!

Is there anything you didn't like about this book?

Cutie Pie: It was just weird to me. I don't understand how Owl wouldn't have found the mouse. Owls eat mice.

Cutie Pie #2: Nope, I love it all!

Do you like the illustrations?

Cutie Pie: Yeah.

Cutie Pie #2: Yes, I like them all.

Who do you think will like this book?

Cutie Pie: People younger than me.

Cutie Pie #2: I think everybody is going to like it.


Cutie Pie:

Cutie Pie #2

I picked this one up from the library because we enjoyed reading The Watermelon Seed and wanted to check out another book by Greg Pizzoli.
Good Night Owl is a pretty cute story. It is about an owl at bedtime. He goes into bed only to hear a sound that is keeping him from going to sleep. So he checks all around and the sound stops. He goes back to bed only to hear the strange noise again. And each time Owl gets up to find the noise his actions get more and more drastic. He even tears apart his house. Yet he keeps not finding the mouse that is making the noise.
My youngest loved this story. She found it so funny and kept laughing at everything that Owl does. She also enjoyed pointing out the mouse since you can see him from the beginning, yet Owl doesn't notice him.
My older daughter, Cutie Pie, is 10 and I think she spent a lot of the story trying to analyze why Owl wasn't finding the mouse. She was busy being logical and said "I don't understand how Owl wouldn't have found the mouse. Owls eat mice". Which isn't something I was thinking about while reading the story.
I think that Good Night Owl is a fun story to read. It is entertaining and funny. I don't know how many times I have felt like Owl when I try to go to sleep and think I am hearing strange sounds. The illustrations are perfect. I am looking forward to us reading more by this author. I definitely recommend checking out Good Night Owl. Especially to read with younger children. This is a great story to read at bedtime!

My Rating:

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