Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Kitten Tale by Eric Rohmann

My Bookish Itinerary: Cutie Pie's Shelf Children's Book Review

Title: A Kitten Tale

Author: Eric Rohmann
Length: 32 pages
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Classification: Children's Book
Release Date: January 8, 2008
Source: Library Book
Once there were four kittens who had never seen snow. The first three kittens are wary—snow is cold, it’s wet, it covers everything. As the seasons pass and winter begins to loom, the three skittish kittens worry. But the fourth kitten is getting excited. Snow will cover everything! “I can’t wait!”

Cutie Pie is 9 years old & Cutie Pie #2 is 5 years old

First Thoughts:

Cutie Pie: It is very good.

Cutie Pie #2: It is awesome!

What is this book about?

Cutie Pie #1: It about three kittens that are worried about the snow and one kitten who is not worried at all.

Cutie Pie #2: It is about kittens.

What was your favorite part of the story?

Cutie Pie: At the end.

Cutie Pie #2: At the very, very, very, end.

Why did you like it?

Cutie Pie: Because I think it is very funny.

Cutie Pie #2: Because the kittens wanted to play.

Is there anything you didn't like about this book?

Cutie Pie: No, I liked it all.

Cutie Pie #2: I liked all of it.

Do you like the illustrations?

Cutie Pie: The illustrations were really good.

Cutie Pie #2: Yes.

Who do you think will like this book?

Cutie Pie: Kids.

Cutie Pie #2: Everybody.


Cutie Pie:

Cutie Pie #2

My Rating:

We checked this one out from the library because the girls love to read books about cats.

This story is about four kittens. They have never seen snow before. Three of the kittens are worried about how cold the snow will be and the fourth kitten is excited and cannot wait until it snows. The kittens go through the different seasons sharing their thoughts about each of them.
I think this is a nice story to read with kids when talking about the different seasons, or even just when talking with a worried child about the future. It is a good story to show how it can be good to try new things that frighten or worry you (like going out into the snow).

The girls really enjoyed reading this one and I think it is a good story.

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